Soul retrieval is a concept that originates from various indigenous and shamanic traditions. It is believed in some of these cultures that when a person experiences trauma, emotional distress, or significant life events, a part of their soul or vital essence can become fragmented or disconnected. This fragmentation is thought to be a protective mechanism that helps the individual cope with the overwhelming experience, but it can lead to a sense of incompleteness, emotional struggles, and a feeling of being disconnected from oneself and the world.

Shamans or spiritual healers in these traditions undertake a practice called “soul retrieval” to locate and bring back these lost or fragmented parts of the person’s soul. This is often done through journeying into altered states of consciousness, such as trance or meditation, to communicate with spiritual entities or dimensions. The goal is to find and reintegrate these lost soul fragments, leading to healing and a sense of wholeness.

In summary, soul retrieval is a spiritual concept originating from shamanic and indigenous traditions, suggesting that trauma or distress can lead to soul fragmentation, and healing involves retrieving and reintegrating these lost parts to restore a sense of wholeness.