Hypnotherapy is very effective in pain management, weight loss, quitting smoking as well as relieving anxiety, phobias, and unwanted behaviors.
Hypnotherapy, or guided hypnosis, allows the patient to turn their attention completely inward in order to look within themselves to make changes or regain control in certain aspects of one’s life. In hypnotherapy, the therapist guides you into a relaxed state and the focus is on positive ways you can change the way you think and behave. It is up to the patient to decide whether or not to act on the therapist’s positive suggestions. In hypnotherapy, the patient is not unconscious or asleep, but rather in a calm, therapeutic relaxed state.
Hypnotherapy sessions are an effective and a powerful tool to address those long term issues standing in your way to better health, happiness and mental/emotional well being.
What is the difference between Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy: Hypnosis works by giving suggestions in a trance state. Hypnotherapy is used to resolve inner conflicts and trauma to integrate a state of better wellbeing.
What to expect: We begin our sessions discussing any particular issues that are of concern to the individual. Your hypnotherapist will then lead you through a deeply relaxing visualization with hypnosis. Within the session your issue will be explored and cleared by going to the source of the pattern and releasing the emotions associated with that experience that were not able to be expressed at that moment. Then, integrating and affirming the healing suggestion. Afterwards individuals may be given affirmations to work on daily to integrate the healed part in a supportive way by utilizing it to create new positive neural pathways.
How many sessions are needed: Each session can address a different issue, more set in issues may require more treatment. Smoking cessation sessions are done in increments of 4 weeks in order to support the individual to achieve their goal. Subsequent sessions can be done afterwards if desired. The weight loss program is a 6 week program which also can be done in 1 session for some cases and as support after the 6 session series.
I have been working with Marie Healy, receiving hypnotherapy. Her ability to hold space for me to process and heal has been extremely valuable, gentle and safe. This has allowed me to be totally relaxed and get to the root of issues and heal at the deepest level. Areas in life that were a struggle have become easy. I can’t thank you enough, Marie, for being a valuable asset on my healing journey.